Saturday, April 19, 2014

My Hospital Photographer Is Coming to a City Near You.....

My Hospital Photographer is expanding its network and will be including cities nationwide! Stay tuned for the details....Comment and let us know if we should be coming to your city! If we do come to your city you get a free gift! 

Don't forget to check out our website at

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Check out our Groupon and connect with us!

Check out our Groupon @ and don't forget to connect with us on  Facebook at and on Instagram @myhospitalphotographer

What do expectant moms like?

Recently our staff has directed their attention to ensuring each mom to be has five star treatment when working with our company.

It starts with our wants to know what to expect! Simple! I cannot understand how it must feel to give birth to a baby only to have a stranger barge in my room to take portraits of my newborn.

My Hospital Photographer believes this process should be well planned by mom and the photographer! Of course these images should be taken as close to birth as possible but scheduling this service never hurt anyone!

My Hospital Photographer allows each expectant mother the ability to schedule her newborns custom portrait session.

We are always looking for ways to improve, let us know what you think!

Visit us online @

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Scheduling A Newborn Photographer- The Do's and Dont's of your newborns first portrait session!

"OMG! I wish you were the contracted photographer in the hospital I had my baby in. I cannot believe they did not have a photographer? Can you believe this???? They told me to take my baby down the hall and hold her under a machine! I could not believe the hospital did not offer a photographers service. I cannot wait until she gets a little bigger so I can take her to a studio."

I received this as a text message from a friend that lived out of state. She was so upset that she had her newborn and could not have her portraits taken right away. I was shocked to find that when I called the hospital to offer my services, they could not take advantage of the offer because of the long term contract they entered to have the machine in their hospital. I found it interesting the hospital would even enter into such a contract, rather than having other services offered. 

Its time for new mommies to take control of their newborns first moments. A mother should be able to schedule her newborn session in advance of her birth. Why does it make sense to have a stranger enter her hospital room after giving birth to a newborn? A mother should schedule her newborn photography session in advance. This allows her to bond with her photographer and convey her wishes for the newborns session.

Now that you understand the concept behind MyHospitalPhotographer, here are a few tips for your newborns session.....

1. Schedule your session in advance of your due date to ensure availability.
2. Bring 2-3 outfit changes. While this is suggested because it pleases most moms, the truth is your newborn is beautiful with very little on and cute accessories. 
3. Focus on hats, bows, headbands, and wraps. Communicate these colors to the photographer so the correct backgrounds can be used. 
4. Schedule your session at a time when all the people who are most important to you will be in your hospital room so they can be included in your session. 
5. Remember to put your photographers name on your visitors list. 
6. The most important thing is to PLAN PLAN PLAN. You should have your session planned in advance and even have an idea of who you will need portraits for. After you have your baby you will be too busy to even address the envelopes for the announcements. 

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